In order to make healthy implant-supported teeth, implants should be held by at least 1 mm of tissues all around them. Therefore, sufficient width and length of bone support is needed to make long-lasting implants.

There are two basic methods for determining that there is enough bone:

1) Clinical examination by a knowledgeable and experienced physician

2) 3D imaging with dental volumetric tomography, where we can see all the details that cannot be detected during clinical controls and even during the operation

If it is determined that there is not enough bone to make a healthy prosthesis in the jaw, new bone formation can be made by applying different techniques in the jaws. Alternatively a healthy chewing can be achieved with correct prosthetic solutions by applying angled implants with the Fast & Fixed technique.


New bone forming techniques include:

1) Sinus Lift Technique: If there is no bone in the posterior regions of the upper jaw, new bone formation can be achieved vertically in the sinus area.

2)Split Osteotomy (Sandwich Technique): It is the technique in which the implant is placed by opening the bone like a sandwich in insufficient bone thickness.

3) Block bone formation technique: It is applied by taking the block bone from the back of the jaw or hip and placing it in the missing area.

4) Box Technique: It is applied with artificial bone materials and thermoplastic molding technique.

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