Children Orthodontics

The orthodontic treatment process in children is usually known as the 11-12 age period. Many orthodontic treatments are also performed at this age. But the correct approach is that at the time when milk teeth begin to fall out, that is, at the age of 7, children should definitely meet an orthodontic specialist and have their first orthodontic examination.

Orthodontic treatment process in children is generally known as the 11-12 age period. Many orthodontic treatments are also performed at this age. However, the correct approach is when the deciduous teeth begin to fall, that is, at the age of 7, children should definitely meet an orthodontist and have their first orthodontic examination. During this period, early intervention with simple orthodontic appliances in our patients with dental and jaw problems reduces the severity of the problem and avoids the difficult treatments that may be required in the future.

‘‘Every child is the most beautiful child in the world to their parents. We do not want our children to face unpleasant situations that is the reason why sometimes early diagnosis or the adviced treatments cannot be performed that easily"

  • Children (7-12 years old) should definitely see an orthodontist if they have the following problems:
  • Advanced loss of material as a result of caries and early permanent tooth loss
  • Early permanent tooth loss as a result of trauma
  • Hereditary tooth deficiencies
  • Finger or lip sucking habit in children older than three years
  • Nasal congestion or habitual mouth breathing
  • An opening in the front teeth when the jaw is closed
  • Asymmetrical appearance in the right and left jaw areas
  • Lower jaw forward or lower than it should be
  • Upper jaw stenosis
  • Crooked teeth or gaps between teeth

If you are doubtful about doing such evaluations, it is useful to have your children visited by an orthodontist at least once a year from the age of 7.

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